For this exercise, I replicated a shot from Toy Story. I was given the original rig for Woody, an image to use as the backdrop, and a colour temperature guide to keep in mind when I matched the lighting to this shot.
I ended up using four lights to match up to the plate, these being a warm key light from behind, a cool rim light from Woody's left, and two fill lights to add colour to the shadow areas, as Woody was otherwise largely in shadow.
*Fair Use Notice: This class project includes the use of the character Woody from Toy Story for the purpose of a scene lighting exercise. This use is intended for educational and transformative purposes only and is in compliance with the doctrine of fair use under copyright law. No copyright infringement is intended, and the character Woody is the property of Disney and Pixar. This project is not for commercial use and is solely for educational and non-profit purposes.
Maya, Arnold